[Novel] Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu 4
Happy New Year!
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Read MoreHiii! I’m trying a new format. So basically I’m just writing the short version of the review first, then there’s a bit longer version if you want or have more time to read.
Read MoreMy most awaited volume!
Read MoreIt took years for season 2 of the donghua to be released. When it finally came out last year after the delays and the waiting game, I was let down. The first half was okay, the second half not so much. Each episode felt like it was dragged out. The only saving grace of the series was the HuaLian scenes in the Ghost City. HuaLian flirting with each other gave me life. /chefskiss.
Thanks to a disappointing season 2, I got myself to read the entire system albeit accidentally.
Read MoreIt’s never a good idea to browse the internet when you’re sleepy. Sometimes, it results in accidentally buying an entire series without meaning to. Now, I have 7 more books staring at me from my backlog lol. But, at least, I get to read the translated version this time. My brain cells won’t be fried from MTL like last time.
Read MoreIt’s hereeee!!! I’ve been excited about this because finally, finally, finally!
Read MoreErha’s volume 2’s cover is beautiful, don’t you think? I loved the previous volume’s cover with Mo Ran vs Chu Wanning kind of feel, but the brighter colors of this book look even more beautiful. I love seeing all three of them with their Shizun just hanging out together. CWN watches in the background as his disciples play around.
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