As someone else puts it, this manga is a serious case of senpai-notice-me syndrome lol.

This is not my usual type of manga nor my kind of art but gosh this is too adorable not to like! Hozumi is the classic kind of bully and a day never passes without him bullying the ‘shorty’ Misaki. Well, he’s got a lot of reasons to hate Misaki. For one (and all of his reasons connect to this), this guy is the childhood friend Hozumi’s hero, Yamato. Usually, if you want your crush to notice you, you’d act charming and cute. But our uke here is not usual and is a MASSIVE tsundere! (゚∀゚)

I’m so curious how Hozumi’s relationship with Yamato will progress. I’m seeing a tiny ray of hope that Yamato likes this tsun-uke or it’s just my optimism is blinding me lol. I’d be really really sad if Hozumi’s feelings will remain one-sided.

#bl #Hinekure Chaser #Manga Artists/Novel Illustrators #Panco. #ぱんこ。 #ひねくれチェイサー

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