
I think I’ve stalled this game for the longest time. Not that it isn’t good but it’s P3P guilt-tripping me for setting it aside. Now it is L.G.S’s turn for guilt-tripping. www

Feeling brave after conquering Jyuuzaengi, I decided to play L.G.S. with it’s Chinese-based (iirc) story. L.G.S proves to be a lot harder. It’s just the terms they used make me go @_@ plus in some words, I think, they use the Chinese characters for it? So double my @_@.

Anyhow, the characters are charming enough to make up to the language difficulty.

Gyokutei appeared -> instant love

Taikoubou appeared -> instant love

Dakki appeared -> instant (super) love

Kihatsu appeared -> instant love

Tenka -> …

…I’m sorry Tenka. www

My route order is going to be Tenka -> Kihatsu -> Taikoubou -> Gyokutei -> Dakki (<3). Dakki is going to be the end of me. I just know it.


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