[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O168f8qA8-M&w=560&h=315]

I just couldn’t resist getting this game.

Let me get this out of my system first, why can’t I screencap!? I’ve tried screencapping every part of the game but I still get the notice saying I can’t screenshot. Seriously!? Yes, this is my biggest complaint lol. This explains the lack of images in this post. I heavily relied on Play-Asia’s images. (Credit goes to them!)

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but I am a fan of the Taiko series. I’ve played the ones released in PSP and loved them.

I am quite surprised that there’s little use of the front and rear touchpad in the game. You could only use the front screen when selecting songs. But for the most part, you basically use the buttons. What I really like though is that they have added a menu where there are sets in which you can choose what buttons you’ll use when playing. There’s also a set where you can choose to use both joysticks. It’s difficult though especially when you’re hitting notes in succession.

When it comes to songs, they have lots of types. For instance, there’s JPOP, Anime, Vocaloid, Games, classical, and original Namco songs. I kinda miss the time when they add popular foreign songs (some are even in English). There are downloadable contents for additional songs. You’ll have to pay though there are some free dlcs as well. For the song list, click here.

There are some songs that when played, instead of Taiko characters dancing in the background, you get that series’ characters instead. Like, if you play Idolm@sters (lol did I spell this right?) songs, you’ll get the girls dancing.

Once you’ve finished a song, you unlock stuff that you can change like if you finish Assassination Classroom’s themes, you can change Don (Taiko’s mascot or that is what I think it’s name lol) as the character form the series.

They’ve also added some RPG mini-game but sadly, I’m still wrapped up playing the songs to actually venture on that part. lol

Enjoyable as ever, I’m happy that there’s Taiko no Tatsujin for Vita now!

Official Site: http://vita.taiko-ch.net/

Released Date: July 9, 2015

#Bandai Namco #PS Vita #rhythm game #Taiko no Tatsujin V Version
4 thoughts on “[First Impressions] Taiko no Tatsujin V Version”
  1. OH wow this game looks more fun than I thought! I’m glad I ordered it – god knows when I’ll get to it with my stupidly huge otome backlog

  2. I really want to play this game but so many backlogs and upcoming games are robbing my money xD

    this is definitely one of the game that will break dem buttons. but will definitely buy it!

    sometime in the future! idk xD;

    1. I am pretty sure I’ve replied to your comment last week but it is gone when I checked it today. O_O

      Anyway, hope you’ll be able to play this soon! 😀

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