Fan of Power Rangers or any sentai shows? Check!
Love otome games? Check!
Then this game is for you. o(〃^▽^〃)o
Ootori Kureha have just transferred to Mihotoke Gakuen. However, her new school is located at the boundary of the world of evil creatures. The principal assigned her to be the leader of Hotokenser. Along with the other members of Student Council, Kureha has to fight against these enemies!
Gakuen Tokkyuu Hotokenser is a good PC game by TWOFIVE. If you find the idea of Power Rangers a little off at first, Hotokenser will dismiss that feeling the moment you start the game. It contained a balance of humor, action, drama, and romance. The story felt a little lacking since Karula’s existence was not explained. Nonetheless, it did not make the story less its worth.
To support the plot, it also has interesting characters starting off with the heroine Kureha. Compared with other heroines, she is a courageous and direct not to mention a tomboy. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind even if she is against with bullies or the members of Student Council. Mind you, this gal is very scary when someone pisses her off. Eraser-kun is the frequent victim of her rages.
There are three dateable guys in this game so I chose Sumeragi Rikuto a.k.a Hotoken Yellow first. Rikuto is the ace of the swimming team as well as the secretary of Student Council. He is busy with the former which results to his absence to the latter. Rikuto and Ryuuichi are childhood friends but they don’t get along well. This is also the reason he refuses to wear eyeglasses because of his poor eyesight so as not to look like Ryuuichi. With this, he couldn’t even distinguished girls from one another; thinking they all look the same. He had to look reeaallyyy close to Kureha to remember her face. He calls Kureha “zatsuyou” (odd jobs, miscellaneous etc) and really happy with it.
The reason I chose his route first was because it was the least sentai-ish (or at least, from what I read from Rin’s blog) among the three. There was a point while playing this that I forgot they are Hotokenser and was surprised to see the appearance of the villains. I don’t usually like sporty guys but he is just so, what’s the term…adorkable. Yes, he is soooo adorkable, he cracks me up a lot of times during his route. His relationship with Kureha is cute too. I find them suitable with one another.
Following Rikuto’s route is Ryuuichi’s. Kondou Ryuuichi is the Hotoken Blue and the Student Council President of the group. As the former leader of Hotokenser, he is unfriendly towards Kureha at first. He later on warms up to her showing how tsundere he is. He loves perfectionism in everything which is evident in his consistent topping in the exam results. Ryuuichi ‘s family is also wealthy, owning a mansion and has a butler; much to Kureha’s amazement.
While Rikuto’s route is full of laughter, this route is full of angst. He actually annoyed me at first even if he has his reasons for being that hostile towards Kureha. Another thing that I disliked about him is while Ryuuichi acts as the mediator between the members on other routes and thinks rationally, he gets all emo in his own route; not even trying to listen for reasons. He may have his reasons but still (。・ε・。). But once you get passed that attitude of him, he can be a cute and loveable character.
The last guy is Hotoken Green. The Vice-President Doujima Mitsuki is the laid-back, carefree guy. Or so he seems to be. He has some sad past which he covers with his smile. He is a sweet aficionado. If you need to find a soft spot for this guy, surely it’s about sweets.
His route contains the major story of this game. Most things have been explained and showed here. Mitsuki’s have a complete mixture of comedy, drama, and action as compared with the previous routes. I love every characters in the game but he is my most loved chara. I’m just into guys like him: carefree-looking who can be serious at times. He is too sweet, too. I mean, just look at his endings. Haha!
Onto the other things. I love art. It is shoujo-ish and very appealing character design and coloring. The music is lovely as well. It suits the game very well.
Recommended? Absolutely. You wouldn’t want to miss this one out.
PS. They should made a route for Eru. I’m totally fangirling over him. hohoho
Glad to know everyone are talking good to this game, thanks for the review. I’m in the middle of playing it too. And I know many people like Mitsuki’s route and appearance, just too bad it isn’t look appealing to me (because of his hair). But maybe I’ll change it after finishing his route? Dunno..
Thanks for reading it too.
Was it too girly-looking to you? xD;; But even if you won’t like Mitsuki, you might like the other guys since they’re adorable as well. ^_^
My eyes got to go with Rikuto first. But Ryuuichi is my type (clever and tsundere?). Maybe I just prefer short hair guy (and I’m scared to look at his nails color!)
You’ll have good laughs when you do Rikuto’s route though there isn’t much action. :3
He is! xD You’ll probably love Ryuuichi more once you break his facade. Have fun playing this! ^_^
lol I bought the LE for this game because the OP was sung by Gero Gero xD
and the goodness my god, can you believe it there’s so MANY CGs???? XD I’M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME!
They should make Eru a catchable character too T3T he’s hot and he’s BLACK SENTAI FTW XDDD
OPPS. First time stumble your wordpress and commenting .Hello there I’m alyynyan xDD
I love his songs in this game! (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆ It’s my first time hearing him and then I immediately fell in the OP. xD
god I love the CGs too! :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
They should, they should! The guy needs more love. lol
Hello Eru-chan! XD Good seeing you here. ^_^
I’ve shared the goodies of LE in momof if you didnt notice
the Drama CD and songs as well :3
CGs….I make it my wallpaper. It’s very bright, colourful and VERY SHOUJO LIKE neee?
ooh! I’m honored. Call me Eru again!! XDD
Ooh! I shall head there now. Thanks for telling me!
It is! So lovely~ XD
From now on, I’ll be calling you Eru-chan. xD