Awesome Possum 11

Time for another Awesome Possum!

Awesome Possum posts consist of random internet finds. Any blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, anything under the sun will be included here. To be clear, this won’t only include games or manga. It will be anything and everything. Some posts may not be necessarily posted this week, but I’ve only discovered about them this week.

It has been a fairly quiet week again? Or I’m not interested with the upcoming VN releases?~

So let’s get started.😋

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Code:Realize ~Sousei no Himegimi~ (Code:Realize ~創世の姫君~)


Title: Code:Realize ~創世の姫君~
Platform: PS Vita

I played Code:Realize longer than I should have but I still don’t want to finish the game during my Lupin play through. I have no expectation when I started this and other than dating bishie Lupin. Though, I totally did not expect to play the otome version of Fullmetal Alchemist www. But hey, I’m not complaining.

If anything else, Code:Realize is an enjoyable game. It’s more of an adventure than otome, like 80:20 ratio (95:5 for Van hehe). But there’s a good balance between the two. A good plot with a mix of romance on the side is my cup of tea. The common story is long but I love how it gives chance to introduce the character, giving a glimpse of what to expect on their route. It also gives chance in building the trust and relationship of everyone. I love stories with good friendships and Code:Realize gives me just that. These guys are #squadgoals.

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