I’m itching to date Akihiko. lol
I’ve re-started P3P with the female MC this time. I love her already! She’s got sass and more personality compared with the male counterpart. Fem MC’s like a real high schooler and not just “barely there” character. Argh I’m not being clear on this. >_<
The interface and bgs look a livelier with the vibrant pink color. It’s super cute and posh. Mind you, I even prefer blue more than pink.
Looking forward to the social links! Since I’ve max my stats in my last playthrough, I wouldn’t have to exhaust myself to run around and just focus on S.Links and quests. Phew! But from what I’ve read in the guide, the S.Links especially for the guys are lot trickier than for the male MC. Good to know that there’ll still be challenge waiting for me! lol
There are also new characters I’ve never encountered from my previous play like the girl above. I’m excited in this play, really. Hopefully it won’t take long for me to finish this game like last time. Hopefully! www
I love the female MC too 😀 She’s so cool
Akihiko <3
sobss even tho i tried my hardest, i was never able to date akihiko orz;;
wish you all the best in dating him he is the best <33
It seems that the dating part here is a little tricky. ;w; Thanks! ;D
I have a question to ask when you started a new cycle with a different gender did you get the rooftop scene with 3 boys?
I’m sorry I can’t answer that. I haven’t gotten that far in the New Game+ so I haven’t encountered any scene like that. ;;;;;