Time for another Awesome Possum!

Awesome Possum posts consist of random internet finds. Any blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, anything under the sun will be included here. To be clear, this won’t only include games or manga. It will be anything and everything. Some posts may not be necessarily posted this week, but I’ve only discovered about them this week.

So let’s get started. 😊

Awesome Reads

Renta! New Releases for 5/31

Renta is posting updates of their releases on their official blog and I couldn’t be happier! It’s a lot easier to track their releases that way than stalk their website or Twitter. 😅

And I didn’t know they’re releasing The Guy I Hate! It’s a pretty cute story and the pairing’s roles in bed kinda surprised me at first. It’s a good surprise so everything’s well.😊

London Detective Mysteria PC Port Will Arrive This Summer

If you haven’t played London Detective Mysteria, you won’t have any reasons not to now since it will be released for PC, for all you PC gamers out there.

Shameless plugging hehe. Eikoku Tantei Mysteria (英国探偵ミステリア)

In related news…

London Detective Mysteria Physical Copy Orders Open On May 31, 2019

Capcom’s Skinship Otome Imprisoned Palm Will Head To The Nintendo Switch


Toraware no Palm will be available for Switch! AAAH. I’ve been meaning to play this but it is not available for Android in my country.

Creator of the NSFW WICKEDWHIMS MOD is working on the Attractiveness System for the SIMS 4

I’ve been wondering about why, despite spending so much time in the CAS, my Sims’ appearances affect their relationships so little. There’s not even an impression from other Sims.

But with this update, Sims can now be attracted with another Sims if the other’s looks fit their preferences. It will have a big impact on the gameplay. Just think of all the possible storylines you can create!


Namely, Koyoi、Ayashii Kuchizuke o ~Miyabi·Kyoga·Samon-hen~ and Koyoi、Ayashii Kuchizuke o ~Kiryu·Chikage·Yukinojo-hen~

Best Visual Novels to Play on Nintendo Switch

I second Ace Attorney Trilogy. It’s such an amazing series, you should all play it.

This list also reminds me to play Steins;Gate and Cinders. I think I have the latter on my Steam though I can’t be quite sure (and too lazy to check as of this writing tee hee).

Daedalus catches my attention though. It looks awesome and the story sounds intriguing.

Awesome Vids

I HATE THIS about SELF-CARE | Kati Morton

The 6 Signs of High Functioning Depression | Kati Morton

All about self-care/mental health this week!

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

Ha. This guy. What an overachiever. LOL

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgrq9jhQpko&w=560&h=315]

#Ace Attorney #BL Manga #capcom #Eikoku Tantei Mysteria #Imprisoned Palm #London Detective Mysteria #Manga #Nintendo Switch #Otoge #otome game #pc #pc game #PS Vita #PSV #Renta! #Sims 4 #The Guy I Hate #The Return of Superman #Toraware no Palm #Video Games #visual novel game #VOLTAGE #Wicked Whims #XSEED #yaoi

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