
With the news of the upcoming anime sequel, I decided to whip out one of my favorite doujinshi from Code Geass. About two years ago, I read Knight Prince Plus and bawled my eyes out. www

I didn’t bawl this time, though. xD

Anyway,  K.P.P is set in an alternate universe where everything is good and peaceful. Lelouch is next in line to the throne, and Suzaku stands beside him as his sword and shield. Originally, I only ever ship Lelouch with C.C., my OTP in the entire series. I blame my friend for always posting SuzaLulu fan arts before that go me curious about this ship.

Cras Sola (or ashi, or ashes to ashes, they go by so many names @_@) put my favorite theme here that made me emotional over these two. It’s sweet and sad at the same time. But can be very frustrating when Suzaku and Lelouch just can’t seem to be on the same wavelength.

While this DJ is good, it is still pretty rough around the edges. Some pages or panels appear random that I got confused as to which part of the story I’m at. They can be sweet and romantic when taken as one, but as a whole, it disrupts the flow of the story.

This doujinshi is pretty old, and I don’t know if the doujinka is still making doujin of another fandom. I hope they do! I mean, I’d love to see another gorgeous cover like this from them.


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