Happy New Year!
The blurb.
The Venerable of Empty Words, a monster that feeds off the fears of the fortunate, is hunting Xie Lian’s friend, the Wind Master Shi Qingxuan. Knowing that his abysmal luck inoculates him from the creature’s power, Xie Lian doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into harm’s way—to Hua Cheng’s horror and panic. But another one of the Four Calamities may be closer than anyone knows, and even a ghost as powerful as Hua Cheng can lose control under the right circumstances. With his inhibitions gone, will desire overtake him?
The Short Read
Secrets are spilled. Hearts are broken. Lives have fallen apart.
Except for Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. Because their love lives are thrivingggg.
The Longer Read
What would you do if you learned that everything you’ve known is a mistake? That your whole life is built on a lie?
That is Shi Qingxuan’s dilemma as introduced in the last chapter of volume 3. The God of Wind ropes in Ming Yi (aka Earth God) and Xie Lian into this mess regarding the Reverend of Empty Words. Hua Cheng tags along for Xie Lian and for the fun. But right off the bat, their plans are thwarted. They were sent to this place where the people are having a feast in the name of the unlucky scholar He Xuan.
He Xuan’s life is a lot. If there’s someone who knows misery up close and personal, that’s He Xuan. The group then realized that this scholar will be later on known as one of the four Great Calamities — Black Water.
Putting aside the whole He Xuan thing, the Reverend of Empty Words tries to amp his game by isolating SQX from the rest. Shi Qingxuan is momentarily abducted and once he woke up, his life has turned upside down.
Honestly, this is just the first quarter of this volume, but the atmosphere is so heavy and eerie. I both loved it and am terrified of it. They’re dealing with a powerful ghost, but it feels like something else is lurking behind. Something sinister. which will probably result to broken hearts (and lives). And it does, in a way, as my heart got broken so many times while reading this volume.
Now, I can’t decide which is the most unfortunate — SQX who lived a carefree life, He Xuan who became the scapegoat, or Xie Lian who got caught in between. And no, I don’t feel an ounce of regret or pity for Shi Wudu but I got to respect the guy for his undying love and loyalty for his brother. My favorite scene is when he taunts He Xuan so that his brother wouldn’t choose the more difficult decision.
One of Xie Lian’s nickname is the God of Misfortune. People make fun of him for it, but it’s pretty sad to be called like that. Though I got to say that it’s also kinda accurate. While misfortune and drama loves him, guess what other part of his life is thriving?
His love life!
Crown Prince of Xianle is out here fulfilling his 800+ years of romance drought. Him and Hua Cheng are practically inseparable throughout the entire book. Not to mention, XL is even covering for the Ghost King so as not to get suspected. And have you seen that cover? Spicy! If the Heaven Officials and the other Ghosts will get hold of that picture, they’d have a field day.
This volume ends with another ongoing case and the reopening of Mt. Tonglu — aka the birthplace of Ghost Kings. Next volume is going to be interesting.
“Ming-xiong, doesn’t that mean you’re in danger too? You’re my best friend, after all!” Ming Yi shifted to sit farther away from Shi Qingxuan, his expression written with the sentiment that he’d rather not have Shi Qingxuan as a best friend, please and thank you. (from vol 3)
Series: Heaven Official’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Written by: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭)
Translation: Suika and Pengie
Cover Art: 日出的小太陽 (tai3_3)
Interior Art: ZeldaCW
Available at: JJWXC (Chinese), Seven Seas Danmei (English)
Volumes (English): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8