[Manga] Utaenai Fairy
Bless the person who recommended me this one-shot, namely my friend Amayan.
Bless the person who recommended me this one-shot, namely my friend Amayan.
Found this while randomly searching the net~
NSFW image under the cut :3
Gahd I’m crying…literally.
Flailings? More like despair ahead, please proceed with caution.
Woot! o/
I asked my friend to buy me a copy of these books while she was in Japan and now they’re finally here! YAAAAAY~!
I’m starting to like twisted characters and love stories because of Ogawa Chise. :3 Please don’t stop creating them!
Those two from the image above are the most twisted and broken pairing I’ve today…and I love them 8D
Oh look it’s Junko!
Another manga I liked without realizing that the one who created this is another BL mangaka. orz BUT OMG it is JUNKO! <3333 I thought it was only just a coincidence that their name is the same. I was like “Wow, this person really catches the BL atmosphere”. wwwwww
Flailings ahead~
OH. MY. GOODNESS. Takagi Shigeyoshi and Ogawa Chise are one and the same person? /flails
I was so bored so…(really I should stop procrastinating =.=)
What better way to procrastinate in the wee hours of the morning than to read manga! |D
Randomly picked this up because I thought that this would be a nice smut manga lol. (I saw a different picture which looked like as if the guy is feeling up the heroine wwwww)