Tokimeki Girl’s Side 1st Love Plus – Morimura Sakuya and Hazuki Kei
It took me a month or so to finish this playthrough. nah, not because it was tough or something, more like busy in RL. Moving on to the game.
It took me a month or so to finish this playthrough. nah, not because it was tough or something, more like busy in RL. Moving on to the game.
THIS is lovely. I’m telling you.
Still not done playing the first one, though. ^^;; While waiting for the release of the final patch of TMGS 2 from Gokusaishiki, I decided to download this one.
Taking a breather from playing TokiMemo GS non-stop, I decided to play Vampire Knight DS. This game is not new however, it was released a few years back. I have a limited knowledge in Japanese so most of the time I rely on this walkthrough by fireylight (same author of TMGS walkthrough). During the game, I just listened to the voices of the guys all throughout. Meaning, I skipped the parts where Yuki was narrating.